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akhir zaman bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "akhir zaman"
  • They all came to the end of their time.
    Mereka semua datang ke akhir zaman mereka.
  • Maybe as far as the end of time
    Mungkin sampai akhir zaman Mungkin sampai akhir zaman
  • Maybe as far as the end of time
    Mungkin sampai akhir zaman Mungkin sampai akhir zaman
  • Those 90's after, it's really the end of the day.
    setelah tahun 90an, benar-benar akhir zaman.
  • That was on my blink, there is another fundraiser.
    Sebelum akhir zaman, karena ada pengumpulan dana.
  • Yeah, Pumbaa... and friends stick together to the end.
    Yeah, Pumbaa...dan teman selalu bersama sampai akhir zaman.
  • Kitty thinks the end of times is coming.
    Kitty berpikir bahwa akhir zaman sudah tiba.
  • I thought there were seven Angels of the Apocolypse?
    Kupikir ada Tujuh Malaikat Akhir Zaman.
  • Talking some black mass, dark magic, end-of-times nastiness.
    Berisi tentang misa hitam, sihir hitam, kengerian akhir zaman.
  • Yeah, they're prepared like it's the end times.
    Ya, mereka harus siap menghadapi akhir zaman.
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